​We are located in the Community Health Center of Buffalo at 34 Benwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14214, and are open on FRIDAYS from 5pm-8pm. WALK-INS are welcome but appointments are preferred - please call (716) 222-0805 to schedule an appointment or with any questions! Walk-in appointments are not guaranteed. Visits are prioritized by appointments. Walk-ins will be prioritized by acute visits first and may expect to wait a while to be seen by a provider.
Please note: We do not provide sign-off for controlled substance refills, Physician's Orders for Personal Care, SNAP documentation, or pre-operative physical examinations. Please see the Services tab below for a comprehensive list of available services.
Addiction Assistance Resources
If you or someone you know has a drug addiction, here are resources that can help:
Evergreen Health
206 S Elmwood Ave
Buffalo, NY 14201
Phone number: 716-847-2441
Syringe Exchange Program - all services free
Substance Use Counseling and Medication - need insurance and must attend counseling
Western NY 211
100 River Rock Drive
Suite 300
Buffalo, NY 14207
Erie County 24-hour Addiction Hotline
National Institute on Drug Abuse
How to ask for help and select a treatment program:
Self-Help Groups in the Community:
Narcotics Anonymous
Buffalo 716-878-2316
Niagara Falls 716-304-6880

Other Resources:
NYS-authorized syringe-exchange programs
Medication and syringe disposal sites
For a list of NYS registered Opioid Overdose Prevention Programs where you can access free naloxone, visit:
For information on treatment options call the OASAS HOPEline:
1-877-8-HOPENY (1-877-846-7369) or visit